Canada Needs A New Environmental Leader

Please CBC: Put our tax dollars to good use: Fire Dr David Suzuki and hire us a new environmental leader — one who is competent enough to understand the following formula:

Environmental Impact = Population X Per Capita Consumption

Dr David Suzuki is an intellectual fraud because he seems to believe the correct formula is:

“Environmental Impact = Per Capita Consumption”

Dr David Suzuki deserves an ecological dunce cap. Dr David Suzuki fails “Sustainability 101” with a final mark of F-.

I am tired of paying for Dr David Suzuki to fly around the world and present the Canadian public with cowardly and feckless environmental solutions.

Dr David Suzuki is a repeat offender — none of his solutions for Canada’s environmental woes ever involve reversing, stopping or even reducing population growth.

If you don’t believe me, visit Dr David Suzuki’s website and take his “Nature Challenge” where he will tell you how to improve Canada’s envrionment. (1)

While Dr David Suzuki will tell you to limit yourself to a 100-mile diet (no bananas or oranges), use public transportation, insulate your home to R2000, use CFL lights, etc, he will never tell you to have fewer children and protest immigration-driven-population growth. Apparently Dr David Suzuki (in his infinite green wisdom) does not believe that population growth and envrionmental degradation are directly correlated, and therefore there is no reason in his mind to publicly suggest voluntarily stopping Canada’s population growth before nature stops it for us.

Dr David Suzuki has never publicly suggested reducing immigration or pro-natal incentives. Yet if we do not, Canada’s envrionment is guaranteed to get worse.

The latest example of Dr David Suzuki’s environmental illiteracy is “The Suzuki Diaries” aired on the November 16, 2008 CBC Nature of Things.

The Suzuki Diaries was advertised as Dr David Suzuki’s quest to find out how to live sustainably. In it, Dr David Suzuki brings along one of his 5 offspring in his youngest daughter, Sarika Suzuki to travel around the world via fossil-fuel power. (2)

I am not surprised that someone with 5 offspring hasn’t yet figured out how to live sustainably individually or as a society, but I watched most of this program anyway hoping that Dr David Suzuki would finally discover the elephant in the room that is human overpopulation.

The premise of the show was that our environmental saviour, Saint Suzuki and his brilliant young daughter would show us a place that truly exemplifies a sustainable society. (3)

Instead of travelling somewhere with intact biodiversity and a low human population, Dr David Suzuki decided to travel to Denmark, Germany, France and Spain where he praised their industrial wind turbines, solar panels and the “green” buildings of their European concrete jungles. None of these countries are sustainable because their excessive overpopulation has wiped out their biodiversity and required them to be net importers of natural resources.

At one point Dr David Suzuki enthusiastically exclaimed to his daughter Sarika when looking over an industrial solar panel monoculture “You see that? That’s totally free energy!” I guess Dr David Suzuki neglected to notice the loss of farm land that this solar power facility occupies, the maintenance it requires, the battery banks that don’t last forever, the transmission lines, the backup power for when the sun isn’t shining, etc. Sorry, Dr David Suzuki, but there is no zero-impact energy.

Dr David Suzuki hailed Denmark as a world leader for having a whopping 20% of its energy supplied by renewables. Dr David Suzuki then angrily ranted that Canada has no excuse for not creating more renewable energy. What is the point of creating more renewable energy if it will never be enough due to Canada’s huge immigration intake? I wonder if Dr David Suzuki would like an industrial wind turbine within view of his ocean-front estate in Quadra Island, BC?

Would someone kindly persuade Dr David Suzuki to read these four articles. Then we can see if Dr David Suzuki really cares about his children and grandchildren or just protecting his bloated ego from cries of hypocrisy.

a) Immigration Equals Tarsands For Greenhouse Gases In Four Years

b) Technological Advances Won’t Save Us

c) New Hydro Project Consumed In 29 Days Of Immigration To Ontario

d) 18 Specific Ideas For Taking Action Against Overpopulation

When will Dr David Suzuki acknowledge that the earth cannot sustain 6.7 billion people at any level of per capita consumption? Shame on Dr David Suzuki! Will his 5 children each have 5 children of their own, giving Dr David Suzuki 25 grandchildren? How sustainable would that be if we all had as many children as Dr David Suzuki?

Dr David Suzuki is the antithesis of sustainability. Even though Dr David Suzuki is not sustainable himself — he has fathered many children and consumed far more resources than the average Canadian — I would at least respect him if he would have the decency to prescribe to Canadians that we must stop our population growth or we will never be sustainable!

Instead Dr David Suzuki gives us his “Nature Challenge” from his David Suzuki Foundation. I called the David Suzuki Foundation and they refused to divulge the identity and salary of their highest paid employees. They also refused to divulge the identity and amount of their largest corporate donors. I called the Charities Directorate of Revenue Canada and they could only reveal the following:

2007 David Suzuki Foundation:
Total amount in donations: $4,320,976
Other charities gave them: $580,213
Other revenue: $2,068,047 (donations that a receipt was not given for)
Salaries, wages, benefits and honoraria: $2,601,378

I explained to them that it is impossible to assess the integrity of a publicly subsidized tax-deductible charity unless I know:

a) what their highest salaries were and who they were paid to
b) what their largest donations were and who they came from

They told me I would have to contact my MP to have legislation changed so that the David Suzuki Foundation and other NGOs would be forced to reveal this information.

Brishen Hoff
November 17, 2008


(2) “Suzuki was married to Setsuko Joane Sunahara from 1958 to 1965, with three children (Tamiko, Laura, and Troy). He married Tara Elizabeth Cullis in 1972. They have two daughters: Sarika and Severn Cullis-Suzuki. Severn, born in 1979, has also done environmental work, including speaking at environmental conferences.”


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